Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Hello Everybody.

This is my new blog. I intend to use it for posting events from my stay in Holland over the next 9 months, to bring my life a little closer to the friends and family back in Denmark. Hope you enjoy the reading, and feel free to comment or question anything you see (also in danish of course).

For those of you who don't know me: I'm a 26 year old student of Industrial Design Engineering from the Danish Technical University in Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark. I finished my bachelor degree in Design & Innovation in June this year, and I have moved to Delft, Holland to spend the first year of my master degree at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at Technical University of Delft.
I'm doing a rather big project with some other students, working for a company who makes laboratory furniture, and takes classes on Strategic Product Development and Design Theory.
Apart from the studies I spend most of my time producing, dj'ing and listening to electro and thinking about nerdy stuff like robots :D It's a big part of my life, and will surely pop its head out from time to time.



Blogger Dries said...

Aha another bloggin' Delft exchange student ;)

If you want to read some of my adventures in Delft, check (it provides u with a great dutch practice as well ;)

Cu around TUDelft, will see if I can make it to protechnive!

7:53 AM  

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