Thursday, May 04, 2006

Well, I guess it's finally time to get a bit more serious about this blog. One entry in half a year? Poor!
A lot has happened in the past six months. I finished the first semester of my master, and is now taking courses in Creative Facilitation, a lot of engineering stuff and doing a project which is a bit secret! (too secret to post on the web anyway).
On the DJ front it is going pretty well, after meeting two excellent DJ's from Den Haag. They brought me into their show Protechnive at the web radio show (see picture: me, DJ Wolf and Elbruno from Protechnive). I also made contacts with a squat in Rotterdam and a couple of other dj’s and producers from primarily Holland, Belgium and Canada.
And then I fell in love with a beautiful girl from Australia. Kalina is her name, and although she is back in Australia at the moment we shall be reunited, for a little while at least, in july, where she’s dropping by Europe to see me and England and Italy :)

That’s the ultra short update. I’m good, and more posts will be posted very soon. Hang loose.


Blogger Nono said...

he he... godt at høre at du stadig er i live! Glæder mig til at feste med dig igen og høre alt om dit år i Holland (og om Kalina...), til sommer.

Jeg regner med at være i DK fra juli.


9:25 AM  

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