Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hey folks.

This is the last entry from Australia. I'm leaving Sydney tonight for a couple of days travelling before i finally set foot in my appartment again in copenhagen on february 2nd.

It's been a super trip and I am so coming back. Maybe to stay a little longer next time.

The last couple of days I spend at the beach and in the Zoo. You can see pictures here.
In the end I got sick, so I'm flying back with a little flu or something. Hope we'll be fine.
See y'all back home!
Hugs, Jakob

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Another great day yesterday. Had family brunch Maceedonian style with different mezzes and traditional macedonian bread. Kalina's sister Bisera was there with her boyfriend Peter. From the left it's Peter then Kalina's cousin Irena, Kalinas mother Nikolina, her father Zlatko, then Kalina and her aunt Magde, mother of Irena and sister to Nikolina, and last but not least Bisera.
In the afternoon we went to Taramatta Beach and took the walk along the cliffs to Bondi Beach. The sky was cloudy and the wind was really strong resulting in huge waves. Terriffic. Growing up spending a lot of summers on the west coast of Denmark that is the kind of sea I can relate too :D. See more photos here.
Had a big night at the Melt Bar in the night with mu australian friends from Delft and friends of Kalina and her sister, so practically everybody we been hanging out with in Sydney. Evrybody had a nice time and the place can really be recommended.
Today we got up late and I tried golf for the first time! It's so much fun!!! We actually only went to a driving range, to get me started swinging the club. When I come back is anybody up for taking me for a day on the golf course?
Love, Jakob

Friday, January 26, 2007

Went to Gordon's Bay yesterday to snorkel with kalina and Pete. Saw loads of fish and tanned on the rocks. Went to a pub near Freshwater Beach to say farewell to one of Kalina's friends and had beer and food. My appointment with one of my friends got messed up, and we ended up in King's Cross to go out, only to find that they won't let you in in shorts..

Tired and disappointed we went down to Harry De Wheels' famous pie shop by the harbour and had pies with whiskey & coke.
More photos here.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Yesterday was a good one. Very active. Started out surfing in the morning. Real hard again. You're not getting a picture of me standing up, because that did not happen a lot :D

After lunch we took the ferry to the city and saw crocodiles and sharks in sydney aquarium. Really good place and loads to see. The evening was meant to be an easy movie and then back to bed, but we ended up going to a concert with two bands from Barcelona which were playing at the Sydney Festival. Pinker Tones were an awesome dj + live-synth-and-drum-machine-players act that really rocked the house. Today we're off to Gordon's bay to snorkel with Pete, one off Kalina's friends.

More pictures here. (Start from the bottom)

Monday, January 22, 2007

Hello Everybody.

I realise most of you have not read this blog for a while. Why should you, it's been kinda silent for another 6 or 8 months, haven't it.

Well, suddenly it became useful again for me. I find myself in a place far away and I need to tell everybody about it. I bet this blog will was destined to just get updates every half year or so. I'll keep you posted when there'w new stuff.

But the news is, as quite a few might have heard, that I'm in Australia. I'm visiting my girlfriend Kalina that I haven't held since august when we last saw each other, and I'm holding on to her until I have to go home in february. It's all very sweet and I'm so happy but also a bit sad that I can not stay here forever. On the upside I get to see her now and in May she'll probably drop by Europe again.

In the meantime I just wanted to show y'all how beautifull and wonderful Australia is in january. Everybody I know in the northern hemisphere ought to migrate here every winter. This place SO beat rainy grey skies and 3 degrees winter weather.

I'm staying here at my girlfriend's parent's (everybody lives with their parents here, nobody can afford to study and pay the rent for their own place). They live pretty close to the beach so we've gone there quite a lot. I tried surfing, but for tall skinny guys it's not as easy as I hoped. I'll keep trying so I might come home a little better.

I also went on a camping trip with Kalina and some friends from Delft to the Blue Mountains, where we saw a few of the local attractive views and found a camp site in the bottom of Megalong Valley (it is pretty long ;P). In the picture it's Kalina on the right, then Kathi from Austria and kristian from Sydney. We all hung out in Delft a year ago.

Apart from that we've been visiting friends and walking around town to get a feeling of the place. I might go here for a bit longer next time, so it's important to find out if I like it :)

Yesterday I got back from a five day holiday with Kalina at Airlie Beach in Queensland. It's on the mainland just in front of the Whitsunday Islands, a bunch of paradise islands inside the great barrier reef. We went on a couple of trips to the islands and swam and snorkeled a lot. I even got my first diving experience and met a nice Maorian Wrasse (I think) called Wally.
The whole experience was fantastic, but you got a bit wobbly being on a boat for so long.
The next ten days or so I shall enjoy life on land, chill with kalina on the beach and possibly go out for a few more beers. If more interesting stuff happens I'll keep you posted. In the meantime you can see all of my photos from the trip here. The trip started out in London the 31st of december where I met up with my good friend Siniz (also from Delft), before meeting Kathi in Heathrow to fly to sydney.
Take care out there, and to all of you that I didn't get to wish a Happy New Year: I hope to see you in the new one.
Hugs, Jakob